What we do

Our teams work primarily for International clients developing, maintaining, and innovating Property Technology Services

Our expertise runs deep in the property domain, so we understand the challenges faced by stakeholders inside and out

Our passion for Open Source technologies and solutions have placed our projects at the forefront of innovation and change in a vibrant global ecosystem, at a price point that many in the global marketplace find impossible to compete with.

By operating a Matrix Organizational Model, all our team members grow and thrive in a multi-skilled environment, taking on new challenges and providing new solutions every day.


We follow agile methodologies, making the product or service ready to use even before it is deployed in production


Everything around needs maintenance, then why not your reliable and scalable software

Artificial Intelligence

Intelligence is all about discovering and delivering in the best possible and fastest way

Read our Case Studies

Dig beneath the surface to see what we are about, and what we have delivered for our international clients from our development and services center in India.

PropCo Enterprise

A cloud based Lettings Management and Client Accounting System

PropCo Enterprise

DIY app which is fully featured and still a private Property Management App

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Our Technologies Stack

Programming languages

Frameworks and libraries

Frameworks and libraries


Contact Us

0124 454 8383

AIHP Horizon, 1st Floor, 445 Udyog Vihar, Phase 5, Gurugram, Haryana 122008